Thursday, October 6, 2011

Whole Living - Roasted Fall Veggie Salad with Lentils

Seasonal Eating and Healthy too! Want to try this one soon. Looks great!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Toni,
    I am looking eagerly at your blog for help. I have been diagnosed with Lupus and RA, with only conventional treatments: chemo and other immunosuppressants, which caused horrible side effects. I am now going to a holistic practitioner who has put me on a very strict diet, plus herbal supplements. It has been 6 weeks since I started the gluten-free, sugar -free diet. (There are many other things I'm not allowed to eat as well.) And it has been horrible. The pain and swelling in my joints have never been so severe. My practitioner keeps telling me to "hang in there", but it's so hard to be in this much pain, plus being very hungry and exhausted from the restricted diet. I am so glad that my sweet daughter-in-law found your blog and emailed the link to me. I'm looking forward to trying some of your recipes. And you story has given me hope. :) Thank you.
    Many blessings,
